La teologia negativa secondo Hans Urs von Balthasar
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Come citare

Villagrasa, L.C., J. (2018). La teologia negativa secondo Hans Urs von Balthasar. Alpha Omega, 20(3), 585–611. Recuperato da


Summary: The article presents the way Hans Urs von Balthasar understands negative theology, and some reservations regarding certain assimilations in Christian theology, of a negative (philosophical) theology. As a premise, there are some key points of philosophy that von Balthasar has conceived which may contribute to an integration with theology. After distinguishing different interpretations of negative theology, he describes the characteristic features of a Christian negative theology. At the end of this, there is not only the philosophical silence that recognizes the inadequacy of language, but there is also the believing silence of adoration. The Christian premise is unanswerable: God has revealed himself; theology begins with the self-revelation of the Trinitarian God in the incarnation of the divine Logos. The comprehensibility of Jesus' words does not stand in contradiction to their unfathomability. Before God and His Word, true negative theology is silent adoration and filial obedience. Key words: von Balthasar, negative theology, apophatic theology, philosophy, neoplatonism, zen, agnosticism, atheism, Eckhart. Parole chiave: Von Balthasar, teologia negativa, teologia apofatica, filosofia, neoplatonismo, zen, agnosticismo, ateismo, Eckhart.
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