La virtù della carità in rapporto con la conformità con la Volontà di Dio

Parole chiave

Will of God
Will of the Father
self-abandonment to the divine Will
Volontà di Dio
Volontà del Padre
abbandono alla volontà divina

Come citare

Mestre, L.C., A. (2020). La virtù della carità in rapporto con la conformità con la Volontà di Dio. Alpha Omega, 23(1), 81–105. Recuperato da


Summary: This article offers a detailed study of the virtue of charity, with the aim of showing how it is the virtue which brings about the greatest degree of conformity of the human will the divine will. Given that «the will is directed principally more towards an end rather than towards that which is for the end» and since it is the final end which is the proper object of charity, the human will is more conformed to the divine will to the extent that is succeeds in living better what charity is in itself. Analysing in what charity itself consists has been of great help to us in clarifying the dynamism involved in conforming the human will to the divine will, leading to the conclusion that it consists in willing that which God wills through charity, in other words, willing as God wills.

Key Words: conformity, Will of God, Will of the Father, obedience, self-abandonment to the divine Will.

Parole chiave: conformità, Volontà di Dio, Volontà del Padre, obbedienza, abbandono alla volontà divina.
