La Legge Nuova e la conformità con la Volontà di Dio

Parole chiave

Volontà di Dio
Volontà del Padre
abbandono alla Volontà divina

Come citare

Mestre, L.C., A. (2021). La Legge Nuova e la conformità con la Volontà di Dio. Alpha Omega, 23(3), 501–526. Recuperato da


Summary: While the theological virtue of charity is the swiftest way to conform the human will with the Divine Will, this conformity cannot be achieved without the intervention of the Holy Spirit. This article aims to show that the Holy Spirit is the main protagonist of the conformity of those wills. Moreover, it is thanks to the deepening of the doctrine of the New Law that the objective of Christian life, which is assimilation to Christ, is achieved.

Key Words: conformity, Will of God, Will of the Father, obedience, self-abandonment to divine will.

Parole chiave
: conformità, Volontà di Dio, Volontà del Padre, obbedienza, abbandono alla Volontà divina.

Summary a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form More (Definitions, Synonyms, Translation)
