La escritura inspirada y la encarnación del Verbo
pdf (Italiano)


Ispirazione, Incarnazione, Parola di Dio, parola umana
Inspiration, Incarnation, Word of God, human word

How to Cite

Izquierdo García, L.C., A. (2018). La escritura inspirada y la encarnación del Verbo. Alpha Omega, 5(1), 103–136. Retrieved from


Summary: Basing his reflection on a text from Dei Filius (Conc. Vat. I), which speaks of the analogy of faith, he applies it to Scripture inspiration. The fìrst part investigates the develop­ment of number 13 of the dogmatic constitution "Dei Verbum" (Conc. Vat. Il). The second part follows the essential threads of thought regarding the analogy througlwut history, favou­ring the Church Fathers, until the post-Val. Il period.

Keywords: Inspiration, Incarnation, Word of God, human word

Parole chiave: Ispirazione, Incarnazione, Parola di Dio, parola umana

pdf (Italiano)