Las primeras y últimas obras de Tiatira ante las enseñanzas de Jezabel. Exégesis sobre Ap 2,19-20
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Cómo citar

Caballero LC, J. A. (2010). Las primeras y últimas obras de Tiatira ante las enseñanzas de Jezabel. Exégesis sobre Ap 2,19-20. Alpha Omega, 13(3), 411–429. Recuperado a partir de


This article is a sequel of two previous ones published in this same magazine. It deals with the content of Rev 2:19-20. Christ’s praise for the good works of the Church of Thyatira is short but positive. His rebuke against the Church’s bad conduct is long and detailed. Jezabel’s sway over the members of that Church is a symbol similar to Babylon-Rome in Ap 17-18. Christians cannot take part in the pagan festivals and in the subsequent orgies. This teaching is in harmony with Acts 15:29; 21:25; 1Cor 8:; 10:19.
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