Summary: Plato’s Sophist offers important elements of his educational theory. This article begins with a brief introduction to this work, and then presents an analysis of several ideas that appear throughout it, with a special emphasis on those dealing directly or indirectly with the central theme of education and human communication. The article concludes with a summary of the work’s main arguments.
Key words: Plato, Sophist, Dialogue, Education, Truth, Falsity, Error.
Sommario: Il Sofista di Platone offre numerose riflessioni sul tema educativo e sul dialogo umano. Attraverso una lettura analitica del testo, quest’articolo cerca di evidenziare argomenti e riflessioni sulla teoria platonica della comunicazione.
Parole chiave: Platone, sofista, dialogo, educazione, verità, falsità, errore.