The Creation, Revelation of God’s Glory
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Palabras clave

Parole chiave: Creazione, gloria di Dio, Causa finale, finalità, integrazione dei saperi.

Cómo citar

Barrajón, P. (2023). The Creation, Revelation of God’s Glory. Alpha Omega, 25(1), 25–35. Recuperado a partir de


Summary: The ecclesiastical doctrine on the end of creation as God’s glory revelation requires an understanding of the biblical concept of “glory of God”. Based on this biblical ground, the author presents the glory of God as a manifestation of his Love in the created works and in a special way in the human person. Related to this theological issue, the second part analyses the possibility of finding, with the human reason, a finality in the creation. Accepting the existence of the final cause from a theological and philosophical perspective, the empirical sciences, that put aside in their methodology the uses of this kind of cause, will find difficult, if not impossible, to use this particular cause in their studies. The need of opening the epistemological horizons of knowledge to different ways of approaching the real and to put in dialogue their original contributions, is a task that the contemporary culture should have as a pressing task.

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