Rivelazione, ermeneutica e sviluppo dottrinale in Joseph Ratzinger. Un contributo indiretto alla sinodalità
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Palabras clave

Ratzinger, Revelation, Sacred Scripture, Tradition, Bonaventure, Vatican II, hermeneutics, dogma, doctrinal development, synodality.

Cómo citar

Gagliardi, M. (2023). Rivelazione, ermeneutica e sviluppo dottrinale in Joseph Ratzinger. Un contributo indiretto alla sinodalità. Alpha Omega, 25(1), 37–63. Recuperado a partir de https://riviste.upra.org/index.php/ao/article/view/4254


Summary: Joseph Ratzinger dedicated his Habilitation Thesis to the concept of Revelation in St. Bonaventure. During this study, he built his own theory of Revelation, which remained almost unchanged throughout his theological activity and exerted a clear influence on several aspects of his thought. The article presents the fundamental concepts of this theology of Revelation, together with some observations and applications, drawing both on the Habilitation Thesis and on other publications of the Bavarian Theologian.

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