La conformità della volontà umana con la divina nella Somma Teologica di San Tommaso d’Aquino (prima parte)
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Come citare

Mestre, L.C., A. (2018). La conformità della volontà umana con la divina nella Somma Teologica di San Tommaso d’Aquino (prima parte). Alpha Omega, 21(2), 217–249. Recuperato da


Summary: In this article, we have addressed the topic of the conformity of man’s will to God’s will from the perspective of God’s will. This theme led us to explore how we can speak a ‘will’ in God, and the relation of such a will to His love and to the other powers we find in Him. The study of this question was undertaken above all in the first part of the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas and this analysis will allow us to offer in the article which follows an explanation of its connection with the human will and to explain how this will can be conformed to the divine will.

Key Words: conformity, Will of God, Will of the Father, obedience, self-abandonment to the divine will.

Parole chiave: conformità, Volontà di Dio, Volontà del Padre, obbedienza, abbandono alla Volontà divina.

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